Process Documentation - What is a Process?

November 10, 2023 Surya Nair

This blog is the sixth in a series on “Process Documentation”. As each blog is released, its title will become an active link. 

  1. Process Documentation -  an introduction
  2. The importance of documenting key processes
  3. Benefits of process documentation
  4. Understanding the 3 Ps
  5. What is a policy?
  6. What is a process?
  7. What is a procedure?
  8. How to design an effective process workflow
  9. How to implement your process workflow
  10. Quick steps for creating process documentation


What is a Process?

A process defines what needs to be done to meet the stated objectives of a policy. It outlines the overall operational flow and identifies the resources and series of tasks that will be required to complete the flow.  

A process tells you what to do but typically not how to do it. A process document captures the following: 

  • What are the main tasks in the process? 

  • Who is responsible for each of the tasks in the process? 

  • What is the sequence in which the tasks should be completed? 

  • What inputs and resources are required for the process? 

  • What is the output or the desired outcome of completing the process?  


Here are some examples of training planning and design related processes that will help achieve the two policy objective examples listed in my previous blog - What is a policy:  

  • Training requirement identification process 

  • Role-based training plan design process 

  • Training material development process 

  • Training material quality assurance process 

  • Training program assessment and learning evaluation process 

About the Author

Surya Nair

Technical Writer and Editor<br><br>Surya has been writing and editing technical content for over two decades in multiple industries. How do you transform complex technical content into an easy-to-understand document? Ask Surya - technical writing is her passion! She has been with ASCENT since 2018. She holds a master’s degree in English Literature, and a diploma in Journalism, and is a certified Technical Writer.

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Process Documentation - What is a Policy?
Process Documentation - What is a Policy?

This blog is the fifth in a blog series on “Process Documentation”.

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Process Documentation - What is a Procedure?
Process Documentation - What is a Procedure?

Make sure to keep your procedure documents regularly updated with new information or clarifications as your...


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