ASCENT recently released the Autodesk® Navisworks® 2021 Fundamentals training guide. A number of changes were made to the guide for 2021. These included both reorganization of existing content and the addition of new content. For those of you that frequently teach this class and are getting ready to switch to the 2021 version, I wanted to share a summary of the changes. Hope this helps!
A webinar on this topic will be held on January 26, 2021. You can register for it here.
First of all, the title! The 2017 through to 2020 releases of the Navisworks training guides were named “Using Autodesk Navisworks in a BIM Workflow”, which was too similar to ASCENT’s BIM 360 training guides and caused confusion. Therefore the 2021 Navisworks training guide was renamed to “Fundamentals” to fall in line with other ASCENT training guide titles. The BIM Workflow is still an integral part of the Navisworks 2021 Fundamentals training guide, and the BIM Workflow diagrams have been updated.
Few changes have been from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6. The model of the school has been updated with signage, exterior lights and lights and furnishings in the lobby.
Chapter 7 is a new chapter dealing with Quantification. There is a considerable amount of new content that covers 2D, 3d and virtual Quantification. There are exercises dealing with all three forms of quantification.
Chapter 8: deals with Animator. This chapter has a new section dealing with the relationship of animation and scripts. A new exercise has been added to create animation “snippets” for scripting. In the previous releases of the Navisworks Training Guides was a chapter for creating the parts to make a complex animation. This chapter has been moved to the appendix in the 2021 training guide.
Chapter 9 is a new chapter dealing with scripting. Three types of scripts are created in the exercises, two dealing with animation and one with keystrokes and outputting text to a file.
Chapter 10: is the chapter dealing with scheduling and the Timeliner. It has not changed very much from the previous releases of the training guide, however the datafiles have been updated to fix some issues in previous exercises.
Chapter 11: Autodesk Rendering is the rendering environment for Navisworks. It covers the Autodesk Material Library and adding materials to the model, adding and controlling lights and the rendering effect and creating Photorealistic Rendering both on the local machine as well as in the cloud.
Appendix A: As previously mentioned, in this appendix is where the parts of the crane are grouped together to create the complex animation in Chapter 8. It is an optional exercise and not necessary to complete in order to be able to do the exercises in Chapter 8.
I hope that you are pleased with the additions and changes in this learning guide.
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