Top 5 New Core Features in Autodesk Revit 2024

April 18, 2023 Cherisse Biddulph

The design process has been made easier by the addition of numerous new features and enhancements by the Autodesk development team. Autodesk Revit 2024 has been released with some remarkable upgrades and functionalities. Although there are several impressive enhancements to discover, a few key features that captured my attention are outlined below. Rest assured, there are many more remarkable upgrades waiting to be explored! 

Feature #1: Search in Project Browser 

The new search function at the top of the Project Browser makes finding items much easier and faster than before. With the new search bar permanently at the top of the Project Browser, instead of by right-clicking and selecting it from the menu, it initiates a search automatically when a user starts typing and highlights the matched keywords in the filtered list on all levels of the hierarchy in the Project Browser. This is an incredibly useful and exciting feature that will make navigating projects much more efficient. 

Graphical user interface

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Feature # 2: Dark Theme 

If any of you are or were AutoCAD users and love how the interface could be set in dark mode as well as the drawing area, you are going to love this new feature. Now you can change Revit's typical light user interface to a dark theme. You can change the entire interface to dark mode which includes the drawing area. You can also have the user interface set to dark theme but keep the drawing area light, or keep the ribbon, option bar, Project Browser and Properties light and set the drawing area to dark mode. This feature is huge for those users who need the darker mode for reducing eye strain and providing a more comfortable viewing experience. 

Graphical user interface, diagram

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Feature # 3: Align Surface Patterns 

Using the Align tool, you can now choose how surface patterns are aligned by selecting either "Entire Surface" or "Selected Face" options. If you select "Entire Surface," the pattern will be aligned across the entire surface, creating a seamless and consistent appearance. On the other hand, if you choose "Selected Face", each face of the element can have its own pattern alignment, allowing for greater flexibility and customization. Ultimately, the choice between these options depends on your specific design needs and preferences. 

Chart, line chart

Description automatically generated align selected face


Background pattern

Description automatically generated align entire surface


Feature #4: Textures Visual Style 

When you select the "Textures" option from the Visual Style Menu, the material's assigned image from the Appearance tab in the Material Browser will be displayed. The lighting in the Textures view is consistent with the Consistent Colors mode, so shading and textures will behave similarly with the addition of textures. If there is no image associated with the material in the Appearance tab, the Shading set in the Graphics tab will be used, and the material will be displayed in Consistent Colors mode. In Textures mode, only the assigned image from the Appearance tab is applied, and other rendering attributes are not used. 


Feature #5: Resize All Schedule Rows 

To resize multiple rows in a selected schedule, you can modify the "Resize Rows" and "Row Height" options instead of using the "Resize" button on the ribbon. Simply select the schedule on the sheet and make the necessary adjustments to the row height and resize rows to achieve the desired result.