Viewing or selecting references in components of a large assembly can be challenging. Moving and rotating components is a simple way of temporarily relocating assembly components. To move components in an assembly, click (Free Move) in the Assemble tab > Position panel, and select the component to move in the graphics window. Alternatively, you can select the component in the graphics window, right-click and select Free Move. Hold the left mouse button, and drag the component to a new location. Once you have moved the component, release the mouse button to drop the component.
If the component being moved is constrained, the Free Move command displays relationships as elastic bands between the constraint references. Icons indicate the original constraint type. Relationships are not displayed between unconstrained components.
Select any of the constraint icons once a moved component has been placed and right-click to display the marking menu. The commands in the marking menu enable you to Edit, Suppress, Delete, or Modify (offset value) the selected constraint.
This is a short excerpt from ASCENT's learning guide, Autodesk Inventor 2019 Introduction to Solid Modeling.