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Most Recent PDFs
Read how ASCENT developed customized learning content for 1300 engineers in FAA’s Computer Aided Engineering Graphics (CAEG) Program.
Learn how ASCENT collaborated with the client to create a comprehensive training guide with supporting datasets and teaching aids.
During the pandemic, ASCENT helped a major manufacturer with new training materials for machine operators. Learn how it all came together.
See how this mobile phone manufacturer uses Technical Writing Services for entry into Canadian Market
With a lack of dedicated resources to create online help documentation, IMAGINiT Technologies turned to ASCENT to help them restructure, update, and standardize information for Clarity.
To aide students in passing certification, Rockdale College and Career Academy selected ASCENT Autodesk Inventor and Revit courseware.
After working with AutoCAD for more than two decades, Princeton University's Eric Witter wanted to earn the Certified CAD Expert designation.
After moving from 3ds Max to Autodesk Inventor, firm principal Robert Hermann wanted to get certified in Autodesk Inventor. With help from his ASCENT eBook, he was able to do just that.
With a flexible on-demand option, the trade union has been able to provide members with up-to-date quality Autodesk AutoCAD courseware.
By standardizing on ASCENT courseware, Chesterfield County was able to reduce costs and deepen student expertise in Autodesk software such as AutoCAD, Revit, and Inventor.
To provide students with digital courseware, Western University worked with ASCENT to provide the same high-quality materials in a new, digital format.
By implementing ASCENT's ProductivityNOW eLearning portal, Purdue University was able to offer a more complete solution for its students in CAD-focused courses.
Gatlin Education Services (GES) needed to expand their online CAD course offerings. By working with ASCENT, GES added animations to courses to support students in their online learning environment.
With help from the ASCENT technical writing team, Strathcona County eliminates staff time and improved contractor relations with an easily searchable, consolidated set of standards.
By using ASCENT's official Autodesk training guides, Advanced Solutions was able to keep up with new releases, provide courses to clients with printed or eBooks, and more.