
ASCENT Technical Editing & Writing Solutions

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As a provider of essential products and services, you understand the importance of its accompanying documentation. Before you share that documentation with your audience, it is crucial to ensure that your documentation is clear, concise, compelling, and grammatically impeccable. Is your organization... • Struggling to keep up with constant changes in regulations and standards? • Wasting valuable time trying to update out-of-date documentation? • Worried your documentation is not accurate, putting your company at risk of non-compliance? • Receiving customer complaints due to unclear documentation? These problems are not just an inconvenience—they can have serious consequences leading to costly mistakes or even legal trouble. How ASCENT can help. We offer technical editing and writing services and learning content development services to ensure your documentation is clear, accurate, and user-centric. Technical Editing and Writing Services • Edit and proofread for grammar, punctuation, style, and formatting • Write original content based on customer requirements Learning Content Development Services • Customize ASCENT learning content for client-specific use • Develop original content for instructor-led and self-paced learning | | TF: (866) 527-2368 | T: (434) 817-7908 Documentation Services Instructional Content User Documentation Product Documentation Process Documentation Product Specifications eLearning Content Instructional Software Simulations Interactive Tutorials & Quizzes Workflow Documentation PLM Documentation Flowcharts Standard Operating Procedures Document Policy Management User Guides Help Documentation Quick Reference Cards Machine Operating Instructions Diagrams & Illustrations API Documentation

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