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Access learning materials in a digital format Not only do ASCENT eBooks contain the same content as our printed guides, but they also include an electronic color copy of the guide complete with hands-on exercises and downloadable class files. Features & Benefits: • Make notes & highlight sections, similar to a hard copy book • Share notes & highlights with other users of the same eBook • Find words or phrases easily with keyword search • Choose your preferred viewing layout • Stay up-to-date with the latest revision through automatic updates | | TF: (866) 527-2368 | T: (434) 817-7908 Access your eBook in a variety of ways: 9 Download to a computer (Windows or MAC) 9 Access online (via a computer connected to the internet) 9 Download to a compatible smart phone or tablet device Buy Now: Once purchased, you have immediate access to your eBooks. eBooks Overview Helpful Information: • Dual monitors or separate reader device recommended to facilitate use with software. • Single-user use only. License restrictions prevent multi-user or network access. • eBook is not a printable PDF and intended for electronic use only. • eBooks cannot be returned if license code has been redeemed. "In landscape architecture, we encourage green construction methods, and ASCENT eBooks fall in line with our strong green values." —Beth G. Instructor, Landscape Architecture Department

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